Struggling From GI Dysfunction?

Find The Cause - Live The Solution

  • Are you struggling with Digestive Issues (i.e. Gas, Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhea etc.?

  • Anxiety? Depression? Brain Fog? Mentally Cloudy & Fatigued?

  • Are you struggling with Skin Issues (Ezcema, Psoriasis, Acne etc.)

  • Let's DIG, FIND, & SOLVE this bugger once and for all WITHOUT all the medical "chemical cover ups"!

Leaky Gut Often Extends BEYOND The Digestive System!

Don't Waste Another Day Feeling Like Garbage!

  • Chronic Diarrhea, Constipation, Gas, Bloating etc.

  • ​Headaches, Brain Fog, Poor Memory

  • ​Chronic Fatigue

  • ​Skin Issues (Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne etc.)

  • ​Joint Pain / Back Pain

  • ​Cravings For Sugar or Carbs

  • ​Poor Immune System

  • ​Nutrient Deficiencies (Vitamin D etc.)

  • ​Anxiety / Depression


FACT: Leaky Gut Extends BEYOND The Digestive System & Is Affecting Millions Of People!

Keep in mind, when you have leaky gut you get big proteins / food particles / bugs / bacteria etc. into your BLOOD STREAM that don't belong there. From there you get a MASSIVE inflammatory spike & immune response. It's exactly why 1 in 6 Americans have an autoimmune condition (Lupus, M.S., Rheumatoid, Celiac, Crohn's etc.)

The Problem

The medical system is severely broken. It's simply "chemical cover ups"! They IGNORE FOODS & ROOT CAUSE!

They give medications that simply cover up symptoms IGNORING THE WHY it's there in the first place. This strategy is putting tape over check engine lights. We can do better!

The Solution

We take a "Functional" approach. We don't just give chemical cover ups. We DIG, FIND, & works towards SOLVING root cause!

In our clinics we have a saying!

We Don't Guess...We TEST!

The Next Step

Book your initial phone consultation by scrolling below.

This is NOT a pushy sales call. This is NOT a high pressure pitch.

This is simply a chance to ask each other questions and determine if our approach would make sense based on your current situation!

What Is Leaky Gut?

Leaky gut syndrome is a major cause of disease and dysfunction in modern society! Research has shown that up to 50% of chronic complaints in the U.S. can be linked back to leaky gut.

Let's explored this a little further...

Think of the lining of your digestive tract like a net with extremely small holes in it. Your gut lining works as a barrier to keep out larger particles...proteins and other foreign substances from entering your blood stream.

When somebody has Leaky Gut, the intestinal lining or "net" gets damaged which can even cause bigger holes to develop. This causes even more particles through such as gluten, undigested food particles, bad bacteria and other toxic waste products. This ultimately causes an immune reaction and a downward spiral in your overall health.

Here Is The Scary Part...

If left uncorrected can lead to SERIOUS health challenges! The research is clear that MOST dis-ease & dysfunction starts in the GUT.

People's guts are a mess. There are MILLIONS of searches on Dr. Google each month for IBS alone.

But when you have leaky gut creates a MASSIVE inflammation spike. We know that inflammation is a root cause for many chronic degenerative conditions.

But also, leaky gut creates a massive IMMUNE REACTION. Your immune system is essentially working overtime to put out all the fires of 'foreign invaders' that are creeping around in your blood stream.

It's why we have an AUTOIMMUNE epidemic in this country that nobody is talking about.

It's why we have a MENTAL health issue (brain fog, anxiety, depression etc.) in this country that nobody is talking about. Remember, there is a GUT-BRAIN axis. They are connected. If the gut is a mess...the brain is most likely a mess.

Beyond this we have skin issues, gut issues, pain from all the inflammation etc.

This is a SERIOUS health issue that very few doctors know how to fix.

If you'd like help just book a consultation.

Don't Waste Another Day Feeling Lousy!

Long-Term Sustainable Results

Our functional approach looks at the big picture. We're aren't interested in just giving you more medications / "chemical" cover ups. This is a failed approach. Our mission is to SOLVE your health challenges once and for all!

Safe, Natural, & Comfortable

Our program is safe, natural, & comfortable. No painful shots or risky procedures or surgeries. We don't believe in short-term programs. We believe in OBJECTIVE lifestyle changes based on our testing (foods, nutrients, toxins, sugar, hidden sugars, cellular inflammation etc.)

Doctor Developed

Our system is the culmination of 20 years of testing, tweaking, refining, & mastering a protocol that people LOVE & most importantly...gets the RESULTS they are looking to achieve! Book your leaky gut consultation today!

Book Your Leaky Gut Consultation Below!

Teri Katzenberger

Functional Health and Nutrition Practitioner

Teri Katzenberger has been a Functional Health and Lifestyle Wellness Professional - as a Fitness, Nutrition and Weight Management and Internal Health Specialist since 2005. She is the CEO-Founder of the Live Well Now Academy LLC.

From the ages of 19 - 23; Teri became the survivor of a traumatic domestic violent marriage, a lifetime of disabling self-image issues, a chronic health altering eating disorder and a chronic life- threatening alcohol and drug addiction.

Teri is an incredible overcomer. She is a divine woman who has a passion for all people on all walks of life. Teri began her own personal health & wellness journey in 1991—(to save her own life). She has dedicated herself to helping and teaching people how to live a healthy, well, fit, strong, whole life, from the inside out.

Her dedication, passion and life experiences make Teri the perfect choice for those who want solutions to their health and body wellness causes. More people today want to live a full happy, healthy life.

Teri holds a degree in Fitness & Nutrition as a Fitness and Nutrition Specialist from Penn Foster University, Applied Science Degree in Business Administration. Certified Health and Nutrition Coach, a Medical Fitness Certification, Specialized Medical Hormone Fitness Certification - She holds the title of a Medical Hormone Fitness Specialist. Master Transformation Life Coach Certification, Sobriety Life Coach Certification and so many more! Other Certifications include Group Exercise, Circuit Training and Online Fitness and Lifestyle Wellness Coaching.

Teri resides in South Dakota with her husband Tim and Gracie - their 9 pound fur girl.

Frequently Asked Questions!

What Makes You Different From Other Programs Out There?

What makes us different is that we take an OBJECTIVE look at your entire body. We take a "holistic" look at the big picture. We use objective 3rd party testing to get the results we're looking for. We're not into generic 1 size fits all "cookie cutter" approaches. We want to give you a long-term sustainable solution.

What Happens On The Discovery Call?

Very simple. Teri Katzenberger will ask you some questions, do a thorough health history, and determine if you're a case she can accept. If she thinks she can help she'll give you that option. If she doesn't think she can help, she'll work to find somebody who can.

Are Your Programs Safe?

ABSOLUTELY! Our protocols are extremely safe and there is nothing like it. There are very few doctors that will do objective functional testing and work towards finding the ROOT CAUSE of the health challenge. Most simply give a med / chemical cover up.

How Much Does Your Program Cost?

It's hard to know without having a quick discovery call to determine your goals. Keep in mind we are ALL unique & different and every person has a unique care plan that is different from anybody else. We do this via our objective lab testing etc. But this is why we do complimentary discovery calls to determine if our program would make sense for you etc.

Does Insurance Pay For Functional Medicine?

Unfortunately no insurance company pays for what we do. However, if you're MOTIVATED we'll work with you. Our protocols are very affordable and keep in mind that we've never turned anybody away because of finances. 

Where Is Your Clinic Located?

We are 100% virtual. The beautiful thing about functional medicine and our functional approach is that it can be done from ANYWHERE! After our initial discovery call (to determine if our protocol makes sense for you) we'll provide you with test kits so TOGETHER we can customize a safe, natural, & highly effective protocol based on YOUR individual needs. 

Do I Have To Come Into Your Office To Get Started?

Nope! Our practice is 100% virtual. All of our discovery calls are done over the phone.

Do You Provide Support / Accountability?

YES! Even though our functional protocols are done virtually, we provide 24/7 email support. If you have a question / obstacle to work through we'll provide you the support & guidance you need.

Do You Prescribe Medications?

No. We don't give medications. What we do is safe, natural, & highly effective. We do this WITHOUT harmful medications or risky procedures.

Get In Touch With Us!

Have a question not covered above? Not to worry, feel free to contact us via phone or the chat box on this website! We're here to serve you at the highest level possible!


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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. No guarantee is provided or implied. Results may vary based on each person's physical health and adherence to the care plan designed by the professional. .These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

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